Sunday, November 23, 2008

How sweet it is...

I absolutely love getting a little rest and relaxation during this time of the year. I can kick back, relax, and enjoy a lightweight week. I had accrued a few days of vacation hours which I needed to use or lose, and was lucky enough for a fellow part time technician to help me out by working a few shifts for me last week. The first time was on the day of my PTCB exam, I was suppose to work the morning but she called that morning to see if I'd like the day off. I giggled excitedly, and thanked her. Later that week she offered to work that Thursday and following Monday, giving me a beautiful four day weekend. The good news is that I still have 3 vacation days and 2 personal days left! I hope to squeeze out a few more four day weekends before the year is up! :D

Thanksgiving won't be looking so wonderful for me, as I will be working the night before and the morning after, luckily we are closed for Thanksgiving! This isn't too big of a deal, as I am working so that one of my co-workers can fly back home to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving, she's utterly delighted and each day she has been even more excited about it.

Over the last few weeks, I've been overly excited about the holidays and I think it has been showing more so at work with a better attitude from not only myself, but the patients too! It's an awesome thing to see patients positive and upbeat rather than their typical disgruntled nature.

So spread the cheer and take the time to add a little energy into your step, you'll be amazed at how many people notice and reciprocate! Happy Holidays! Wishing everyone to stay SAFE and STUFFED!

- Lowly

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