Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A lack of posting does not denote a lack of love!

So you might have noticed my disappearance. Last you read, I had taken my CPhT exam and was awaiting my results. Nearly FOUR months later, I drag myself away from real life to try being more consistant with my posts.

Forgive any mistakes you might come across, especially the lack of formatting. I am actually posting this from my cellphone. For those tech savvy pill pushers, I am on the T-Mobile G1 and am loving it. For the most part, I rather be on my desktop but the lack of internet is a topic for another day.

If you might of found yourself wondering how my CPhT exam went, allow me to enlighten. It was very nerve wrecking at first as I waited patiently, but I have this nack for suprising myself! After everything was said and done, I had passed my exam with a very healthy overall score of 764 (650 is a passing score). I felt good that I scored a 792 on the 'assist pharmacist in serving patients' section.

With that said, my next step will be to solidify my grades in my pre-professional course as I strive to make headway into the fierce world of Pharmacy School.

More to come! Check back soon! Goodnight!

1 comment:

Pharm Applicants Database said...

just got my license too in May. the day after I was accepted into pharmacy school off the waitlist!

good luck to you!!